AutoDJ's Re-Encode and Crossfade Print

  • re-encode, crossfade, stream, broadcast, AutoDJ, settings, playlist, transitions, automation, doscast
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AutoDJ isn't just a handy tool for keeping your stream running smoothly when you're not live; it's also got some cool features that can really elevate your broadcast game. One of those features is the ability to tweak settings like re-encoding and crossfade. Here's how you can make the most of them:

Understanding Re-Encoding and Crossfade

Think of re-encoding like your stream's personal translator. It ensures that whatever audio files you're playing get converted on-the-fly to the right format and bitrate for smooth streaming. Crossfade, on the other hand, is like your DJ's secret weapon—it seamlessly blends one track into the next, keeping your listeners grooving without missing a beat.

Enabling/Disabling Re-Encoding

Head to Your AutoDJ Settings: Log in to your streaming platform and find your way to the AutoDJ settings.

Spot the Re-Encoding Option: Look around for the setting that mentions re-encoding. It might be labeled something like "Re-Encoding."

Toggle It On or Off: Depending on whether you want to keep the re-encoding magic happening, flip the switch to enable or disable it.

Don't Forget to Save: Once you've made your choice, hit save to lock it in.

Enabling/Disabling Crossfade

Stay in Your AutoDJ Settings: You're already in the right place, so just keep on cruising through those AutoDJ settings.

Find the Crossfade Settings: Look for where it talks about crossfade. It could be hiding under a similar name.

Adjust the Duration (If Available): Some platforms let you choose how long you want your tracks to overlap. If that's the case, tweak it to your liking.

Toggle It On or Off: Just like with re-encoding, decide whether you want crossfade to work its magic and switch it on or off accordingly.

Save Your Settings: Once you've got everything set up just the way you like it, hit save and you're good to go.

By playing around with settings like re-encoding and crossfade in AutoDJ, you can really fine-tune your stream to give your listeners the best possible experience. And if you hit any bumps along the way, don't sweat it—reach out to Our Support Team, and we'll get you back on track in no time. Keep those tunes spinning and enjoy the ride!

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