
Scheduled Server Maintenance Announcement

  • 28th May 2024
Dear Customers, We would like to inform you that our server,, is scheduled for maintenance. Date: 06.03.2024 - 06.04.2024Time: From 16:25 Eastern Time (ET) - 01:05 Eastern Time (ET)Duration: Approximately 3 hours During this maintenance window, access to our services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologize for any ...
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Important Announcement

  • 20th May 2024
Dear Customers, This announcement is to inform you about an upcoming change to our myradio server ( Due to ongoing datacentre issues, we need to change the IP address of our server to prevent further disruptions. The new IP address will be, and the change will take effect on 06-01- 2024, at 00:05 (12:05 AM US ...
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